Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saint Patty's Day Recap I know Saint Patrick's Day was a week ago, but let's be honest, I had a jam-packed schedule of blacking out and one-night stands moderate drinking and casual sleep-overs with acquaintances to adhere too. Needless to say it was hard to find time to write posts. But, seeing as it's now Sunday night, society is forcing me to be a functioning human being again.

En route to my drinking festivities downtown, I encountered this gorilla on the T:

(don't be distracted by the overtanned guido in knock-off True Religions)

While I understand that day-drinking holidays such as Marathon Monday call for outrageous apparel. BUT in good taste ladies! Let's start at the top. Leather jacket. Fine. I love myself some leather (midly-moderately obsessed at the moment). Stella from Project Runway Season 5, anyone?

But, the jean skirt circa Abercrombie & Fitch 7th Grade? Which one of your safari animal friends said this was okay? And why was the line not distinctly drawn there? Let me just say that leggings should ONLY be made in sizes nonexistent-medium. If they actually stretch when you put them on, it's time to consider an eating disorder dieting and going to the gym. And the horizontal stripes aren't doing much to disguise the cankle situation that's going on there.

This outfit alone caused me to drink a little bit harder. Guess I can now justify the events of that day...



  1. My name's Stella, i love leatha.

    Black says america to me, i'm just gonna trim it in red white and blue.

    Easily the most quotable of PR contestants.
    Your Stella reference just made my day. Keep the posts coming!

    1. My cat's leathaa (my cat's also skinny, because leather looks heinous on fat people). But thanks girl!

  2. this is offensive. try a more mature approach to earn some laughs.

    1. Anonymous, sorry you're offended...but if you don't like it, don't read it!
