Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saint Patty's Day Recap I know Saint Patrick's Day was a week ago, but let's be honest, I had a jam-packed schedule of blacking out and one-night stands moderate drinking and casual sleep-overs with acquaintances to adhere too. Needless to say it was hard to find time to write posts. But, seeing as it's now Sunday night, society is forcing me to be a functioning human being again.

En route to my drinking festivities downtown, I encountered this gorilla on the T:

(don't be distracted by the overtanned guido in knock-off True Religions)

While I understand that day-drinking holidays such as Marathon Monday call for outrageous apparel. BUT in good taste ladies! Let's start at the top. Leather jacket. Fine. I love myself some leather (midly-moderately obsessed at the moment). Stella from Project Runway Season 5, anyone?

But, the jean skirt circa Abercrombie & Fitch 7th Grade? Which one of your safari animal friends said this was okay? And why was the line not distinctly drawn there? Let me just say that leggings should ONLY be made in sizes nonexistent-medium. If they actually stretch when you put them on, it's time to consider an eating disorder dieting and going to the gym. And the horizontal stripes aren't doing much to disguise the cankle situation that's going on there.

This outfit alone caused me to drink a little bit harder. Guess I can now justify the events of that day...


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Transitioning from Blizzards to Summer?

As we all know, Boston weather can be a littttleee bit crazy. Blizzards one day and 80 degree weather the next (Halloween weekend anyone?) So what's a girl to do!?! Wear too little and you look like a tramp walking down the street. Wear too much and you're sweating your tits off in your Hunters (obviously with the fleece inserts aka extra sweatage). Say goodbye to chatting up that one straight guy in your COM class--no way he's going to want to talk to you as you're dripping like Christina Aguilera in the Dirrty music video except you don't look as hot.

X-Tina in her Prime
(Slutted up and anorexic, just the way I like my girls)

Christina Fat-Guilera after eating 17 Prime Ribs
(Please reference Country Night at Ts for my thoughts on Whales and Cottage Cheese)

Anyways... sorry got a little off topic...

I spotted Fashion Intern Laura Lee wearing this fab, fashion forward outfit:

Outfit Overview:
  • Sheer beige shirt with pleated sleeves (hard to see in photo)...pleats are SO in!
  • Green cargo vest
  • Leopard printed scarf
  • Dual-textured leather leggings
  • Beige quilted flats
Adore! Not to mention her outfit was completed with her black, patent Chanel tote. OMGZ. MAJ.

Enough layers to keep you warm when the temperature suddenly drops. or take off the vest or scarf to instantly cool down.

Well done Laura!



Sunday, March 18, 2012

American Apparel Hipsters Meet BU

Like most other girls (and gays), I love myself some American Apparel staples! The comfy v-neck,  shiny leggings, circle scarf, and of course the infamous double u-neck dress, a perfect option to pair with bold jewelry and a foreigner's international student's table at Bijou or The Estate if you haven't moved up in the world.

But this, my friends is just unacceptable.

  1. It was February when this picture was taken. I'm pretty sure I wore by SBC out that night.
  2. Are you a Ballerina? (I thought it was country night at Ts)
  3. We're not in front of CFA, although T's is awfully close to there
  4. The light pink and magenta combo is not even okay on Valentine's Day (plus with this award-winning outfit, I'm sure you were Valentine-less)
  5. At least you're cottage cheese less. Points for that.
Essentially this video sums it up:

Off to listen to some Foster The People and not shower.


Country Night at T's Pub

So a few weeks ago I was taken on a suicide mission dragged to T's Pub on a Saturday Night by some of my friends. Now don't get me wrong... I love a good Tag-Team and a little bit of blacked out Karaoke with 50-100 of my closest friends. But there were many things not right that night (sorry for rhyming).

While on this Saturday night journey to T's (a wild escape from the typical Tuesday night) I encountered two things I despise: Country (fucking duh) and GDIs (see definition). Upon walking into T's that night, it was as if plaid threw up in GDI Nation. I do admit that I do some some non-Greek friends (to cheat off of during tests, to drive me home from class, or to rope into coming to our philanthropy events), this particular night it seemed as if T's put out an ad that said: "If you have no social skills, horrible style, AND you are a virgin... please come join us with your one friend from your floor freshman year for moderately-priced cocktails from our retarded bartenders (minus Lisa of course)"

Among the many disastrous lagoon-creatures that were lurking between the padded columns at T's that night (why are those even there?), these are a few of the highlights:

1. Sombrero Girl

Okay, I understand you were trying to get into theme, but a Sombrero is a) not country at all? b) fucking stupid. Please note that this girl is also wearing cowboy boots to pair with her Sombrero from Alabama. Sombreros are okay only on a few occasions:
  • If you are Mexican
  • If it's Cinco de Mayo
  • If it's a drinking holiday full of shenanigans such as Marathon Monday

2. Beached Whale

I had to make this picture extra-large so you could all get the full-effect of how truly heinous this is. Where to start? Muffin top, flat ass paired disgustingly with light-wash, flared Aeropostale jeans and heels. I know that us BU girls give the guys here a lot of shit, but from all the vagina's at Boston University and to the poor soul that took this girl home that night, I'm truly sorry about this.

3. Cottage Cheese

Enough said. It's called a stairmaster. Get on it.

Better luck next time betches,



As many of us Boston University students are aware, our beloved Commonwealth Avenue aka the Runway has been home to some of Boston's best dressed girls, gay boys and occasional straight bros (if you're lucky enough to spot one you can tolerate looking at without your eyes burning out). Just take a look at the many websites featuring us including College Fashionista and Her Campus!

Unfortunately, BU is also known for its daily fashion disasters thanks to our large population of local Massholes, ENG students (aka Engineering students for you non-BUers aka English No Good), and token Asians decked out in Hello Kitty (sandal high heels AND an umbrella to shield you from the sun... you're right you do look fab!)

(this can represent ENG or token versatile)

But, not to fret! The BU Fashion Police is here to showcase the best and worst looks from on/around campus every week! Use this blog as a learning tool or simply to laugh at other people's expense. I'll be risking my dignity (or what's left of it after four years of college) to snap candids of some of BU's most heinous and hilarious fashion faux pas and giving credit to those bold enough to break out of the SBC (sleeping bag coat aka knee-length black puffy north face) uggs combo (why you'd even wear uggs out in public is beyond me...)

Can't wait to see what gems I discover!

Until next time,