Sunday, March 18, 2012

Country Night at T's Pub

So a few weeks ago I was taken on a suicide mission dragged to T's Pub on a Saturday Night by some of my friends. Now don't get me wrong... I love a good Tag-Team and a little bit of blacked out Karaoke with 50-100 of my closest friends. But there were many things not right that night (sorry for rhyming).

While on this Saturday night journey to T's (a wild escape from the typical Tuesday night) I encountered two things I despise: Country (fucking duh) and GDIs (see definition). Upon walking into T's that night, it was as if plaid threw up in GDI Nation. I do admit that I do some some non-Greek friends (to cheat off of during tests, to drive me home from class, or to rope into coming to our philanthropy events), this particular night it seemed as if T's put out an ad that said: "If you have no social skills, horrible style, AND you are a virgin... please come join us with your one friend from your floor freshman year for moderately-priced cocktails from our retarded bartenders (minus Lisa of course)"

Among the many disastrous lagoon-creatures that were lurking between the padded columns at T's that night (why are those even there?), these are a few of the highlights:

1. Sombrero Girl

Okay, I understand you were trying to get into theme, but a Sombrero is a) not country at all? b) fucking stupid. Please note that this girl is also wearing cowboy boots to pair with her Sombrero from Alabama. Sombreros are okay only on a few occasions:
  • If you are Mexican
  • If it's Cinco de Mayo
  • If it's a drinking holiday full of shenanigans such as Marathon Monday

2. Beached Whale

I had to make this picture extra-large so you could all get the full-effect of how truly heinous this is. Where to start? Muffin top, flat ass paired disgustingly with light-wash, flared Aeropostale jeans and heels. I know that us BU girls give the guys here a lot of shit, but from all the vagina's at Boston University and to the poor soul that took this girl home that night, I'm truly sorry about this.

3. Cottage Cheese

Enough said. It's called a stairmaster. Get on it.

Better luck next time betches,



  1. This is "anonymous" cyber bullying in every sense of the word. Thanks for making your contribution to the ongoing defamation of BU!!

    1. Dear BU Student,

      "Cyber bullying?"
      Are you sure you know the definition of that word? I would check out "in every sense of the word" before you go throwing around claims like that.

      "Anonymous" is also something I gave YOU the choice to use also, which you clearly took advantage of. I also do my best to protect people's identities by blocking or cutting out their faces. If you recognize yourself or a friend, I'm sorry you were offended, but you may want to consider making better style choices. Just saying.

      As for defaming BU: I'm just doing my part to keep BU relevant and in the media!!

      Happy Hump Day!

  2. Im just curious, do you eat? You seem like you have a problem with anyone who eats food. I wonder if your all skin and bones. You make such a fool of yourself to anyone who reads this blog, but then again you seem like you don't give a what about what anyone thinks about you, but reality check NEITHER DO THEY. And if your the Fashion Police or whatever you like to refer yourself to, check up on your Jeans because those so called "aeropostale" jeans on the "muffin topped" chick are actually American Eagle. And I know that not because im the "FP" but because of common sense. Looks like you dont know your ish, little sorority girl. Your A disgrace to BU with all of these awful and judgemental comments. I hope one day I end up on this website so I can bash your overly skinny ass right back . Eat a fuckin burrrrgah. "betch"

    1. I bet you went and ate your feelings after this didn't you?

  3.'re shocking!!!!! How does it feel to get nothing but negative comments not only from me but from what i see every other comment has nothing good to say about your blog. Again, I suggest getting a new hobby. This is just pure entertainment to me.
